Intelligent one-stop shop concept of Hüffermann

Most efficient products "made in Germany"

The right vehicle for
any customer requirement

Overview of all vehicles


Nothing suitable?

Hüffermann is a specialist for individual transport solutions in demanding industries.

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The Hüffermann construction kit is convincing in every application

The modular construction from Hüffermann brings you two main advantages: an individual construction, which is exactly designed to your requirements and a high quality production - completely "Made in Germany" guaranteed. Hüffermann only uses first-class vehicle components from well-known manufacturers, which pays off for you through longevity over the service life.

Hüffermann production

Our promise of quality to you

Hüffermann products are exposed to a wide variety of environmental influences on a daily basis. This places high demands on the material and paintwork of the vehicles. Hüffermann uses the most modern technologies here in order to guarantee a long-lasting appearance even in extreme applications.